Nearest Contacts app icon


Nearest Contacts geotags your contacts, and then shows them to you, arranged by how close they are, as a list or on a map.

What’s it good for? On the road, it’s a quick reminder of which of your friends, family, or colleagues are nearby. 

Calling on a customer? Use Nearest Contacts to find other customers that are nearby.

Nearest Contacts shines when you use your Contacts app to record your favorite restaurants, hotels, and other points of interest. If you’re like us, this kind of information, if it gets recorded at all, tends to be randomly distributed across notes, calendars and what-not. But your iPhone’s Contacts app works great for this, with addresses, phone numbers, URLs, and your own notes.

So use Contacts to remember your favorite sites, and Nearest Contacts to help you find them when you're in the area.

Read the FAQ

Contact Groupist app icon


Contact Groupist lets you organize your Contacts into lists, functionality available in macOS, but only in limited form in the iOS Contacts app. Lists will appear on your other devices as well. Note that contact lists are not fully supported by all services; they work best for iCloud-based contacts.


Stepminder averages your recent steps and distance, smoothing out day-to-day variations. The default 7-day weighted average gives the most weight to steps today (¼ of the total), and the least weight to steps six days ago (1/28 of the total).

Change the averaging period, or choose an unweighted average (that is, each day has the same weight). An unweighted average of 7-28 days, for example, is useful if you do most of your walking on weekends.

Visually track your progress toward your goal through the day. Or turn off goal orientation and just see how much you walk.

Stepminder integrates with the Health app, using it as its source of past step counts and walking & running distances.

PhotoNav app icon


PhotoNav lets you choose a photo from your photo library, see where it was taken, and get directions there. Simple.